Argus-a Vol. XIII Edición N° 52 / Junio 2024 / Argusa Artes & Humanidades Corp. CA. USA / Bs. As. Argentina / ISSN 1853-9904 / Index: MLA y Latindex
Encuentro de las Américas: Embracing our Voice!
November 2 - 19 / 2017
Vol. VI Edición N° 25


The Latino Theater Company in association with the Latinx Theater Commons and Howlround present Encuentro De Las Americas: Embracing Our Voice! A 3-Week international arts festival of theater, immersive art experiences & music at the LATC.

Encuentro de las Américas seeks to establish an active dialogue between Latinx theatre companies in the United States and our counterparts in the Américas. This festival will feature three weeks of artistic exchange, cross-company co-creation, and presented performances, in repertory, for audiences in Los Angeles, including one weekend-long International Convening of leading Latinx and Latin American theatremakers and guests produced by the Latinx Theater Commons. 


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