Argus-a Vol. XIII Edición N° 52 / Junio 2024 / Argusa Artes & Humanidades Corp. CA. USA / Bs. As. Argentina / ISSN 1853-9904 / Index: MLA y Latindex
Editorial Norms 2020
Argus-a Artes y Humanidades / Arts and Humanities
Vol. IX Edición Nº 36

Argus-a publishes only unpublished academic papers which are preferably based on interdisciplinary approaches related to feminism, subaltern studies, queer theory, cultural studies, postcolonial studies and popular culture. 

Argus-a does not accept creative writing: fiction, poetry, drama or literary essay.
Printed books and digital books  should not exceed 350 pages. 
Essays, Lectures and Panels up to 40 pages. 
Reports, Articles and News up to 15 pages.
Reviews hasta 15 páginas o en videos alojados en YouTube.


Complete Editorial Guidelines in PDF





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