Argus-a Vol. XIII Edición N° 52 / Junio 2024 / Argusa Artes & Humanidades Corp. CA. USA / Bs. As. Argentina / ISSN 1853-9904 / Index: MLA y Latindex
Convención de la MLA - USA
Vol. II Edición No. 9

129th MLA Annual Convention
Chicago, 9–12 January 2014


The convention will begin on Thursday, 9 January, and end on Sunday, 12 January. The presidential theme for the 2014 convention is Vulnerable Times.

All MLA members and others involved in the study or teaching of language and literature must register for the convention to participate in or attend meetings, visit the exhibit hall, take part in job interviews, or reserve hotel rooms at special MLA rates. Registration opens in early September for MLA members. The convention program will be available in the fall. 

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