Argus-a Vol. XIII Edición N° 52 / Junio 2024 / Argusa Artes & Humanidades Corp. CA. USA / Bs. As. Argentina / ISSN 1853-9904 / Index: MLA y Latindex
Arts & Humanities
Gustavo Geirola - USA
Vol. VI Edición N° 22

5 Years on line

Gustavo Geirola
Director de Argus-a
Whittier - USA


aaa…Argus-a is, thereby, a philanthropic project, an idea that sprang from a friend’s suggestion and one that also developed from my travel experiences throughout the Americas, with their cities full of young people eager to receive updated academic materials, and whose demand contrasted with the devastation or lack of libraries, whether on university campuses or in their home towns…

Letter from the Director to readers, contributors and friends of Argus-a >>

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